Be GOOD!!!
BE GOOD!!! I was invited to speak to some upward mobile music ministers on Sunday 28th June. As usual I`d ask for an area of concentration cos I have noticed from experience that people want to know everything and have all their problems solved in one speaking encounter and thats not possible. So I asked the organisers for an AOC and they gave me a list! So I told them i wasn`t gonna speak on any particular subject but would allow them express their most daunting problems and we would together find solutions. They agreed. So we began. Their issues ranged from leading worship to doing solos to song arrangements to stage fright to self confidence to costumes to dynamics to getting along with the band to backing up to opportunity......Yes! That last one is what i wanna talk about today. My question to them was; in the real world PREPARATION comes before OPPORTUNITY but when you come to church , why do people want the opposite, especially music mi...